

We have deployed a multi-layered risk management system and robust governance framework to proficiently identify, assess, monitor and mitigate risks inherent to global businesses. Aligned with our vision and mission, these mechanism facilitates in effective execution of strategies amidst a volatile external context.

Risk Governance Framework

Group Risk Governance Framework

Enterprise risk management

We have a robust risk management framework which is embedded in business-critical activities, functions and processes. It ensures managing rather than eliminating the risk of failure to achieve business objectives and provides reasonable, and not absolute assurance, against material misstatement or loss. Materiality and risk tolerance are key considerations in our decision-making.

This framework is simple and consistent, providing clarity on managing and reporting risks to our Board. Together, our management systems, organisational structures, processes, standards and Code of Conduct and ethics represent the internal control systems that govern how the Group conducts its business and manages associated risks.

Approach to risk identification

We identify risks at the individual business level for both existing operations and ongoing projects through a consistently applied methodology. Business-level review meetings are conducted at least once every quarter to formally discuss risk management. All business divisions maintain their risk matrix every quarter, which is reviewed by the respective management/executive committee, with CEO as the chairman. Additionally, business divisions have their risk registers as per their operational size and the number of SBUs/ locations.

The respective businesses review the risks, changes in their nature, exposure since the last assessment and control measures to decide further action plans. Control measures stated in the risk matrix are also periodically reviewed by the business management teams to verify their effectiveness. These meetings are chaired by the CEOs of the respective businesses and attended by CXOs, senior management and functional heads concerned.

Finally, the risks across the various risk registers are aggregated and evaluated to identify the Group’s principal risks and formulate a response mechanism. This element is an important component of the overall internal control process for which the Board obtains assurance.

Risk governance

The risk officers at each business and the Group level create risks awareness among the senior management and nurture a risk management culture within the businesses. Risk-mitigation plans form an integral part of KRAs/KPIs of process owners. Governance of risk management framework in the businesses is anchored with the leadership teams. The Audit Committee & Risk Management Committee aids the Board in the risk management process by identifying and assessing any changes in risk exposure, reviewing risk-control measures and approving necessary remedial actions. The Committee is supported by the Group Risk Management Committee (GRMC), which helps it evaluate the design and operating effectiveness of the risk mitigation programme and the control systems. The Risk Management Committee meets quarterly to discuss risks and mitigation measures, review the robustness of our framework and map the progress against actions planned for key risks.

The GRMC comprises the Executive Director, Group Chief Financial Officer and Director - Management Assurance. The Group Head - Health, Safety, Environment & Sustainability is invited to attend these meetings. GRMC discusses key events impacting the risk profile, relevant risks and uncertainties, emerging risks and progress against planned actions.

The Board shoulders the ultimate responsibility for managing risks and ensuring the effectiveness of internal control systems. This includes a review of the Audit and Risk Management Committees report report on the risk matrix, significant risks and mitigating actions. Any systemic weaknesses identified by the review are addressed by enhanced procedures to strengthen the relevant controls, which are reviewed regularly.

The responsibility for identifying and managing risks lies with every manager and business leader. Additionally, we have key risk governance and oversight committees in the Group. They are:

  • Committee of Directors (COD) comprising of Executive Directors and an Independent Director supports the Board by considering, reviewing and approving all borrowing and investment-related proposals within the overall limits approved by the Board. The invitees to these committee meetings are the CEO, business CFOs, Group Head Treasury and BU Treasury Heads, depending upon the agenda matters.
  • Audit and Risk management committee along with the Sustainability committee reviews sustainability-related risks
  • In addition to the above, there are various group level ManCom such as Commercial ManCom, Finance ManCom, Sustainability - HSE ManCom, CSR ManCom, etc. who work on identifying risks in those specific areas and mitigating them.

The scope of work, authority and resources of the Management Assurance Services (MAS) are regularly reviewed by the Audit Committee. The responsibilities of MAS include recommending improvements in the control environment and reviewing compliance with our philosophy, policies and procedures.

The planning of internal audits is approached from a risk perspective. In preparing the internal audit plan, reference is made to the risk matrix, and inputs are sought from the senior management, business teams and members of the Audit Committee. In addition, we refer to past audit experience, financial analysis and the prevailing economic and business environment.

The Board, with the assistance of the management, conducts periodic and robust assessments of principal risks and uncertainties of the Group, and tests the financial plans associated with each.

Managing our risks

Below are the key risks identified for FY 2023-24 with the potential to impact our operations. Their order does not necessarily reflect the likelihood of their occurrence or the relative magnitude of their impact on Vedanta’s businesses. The risk direction of each risk has been reviewed based on events, economic conditions, business environment and regulatory changes during the year.


R1 Health, safety and environment (HSE)

Capitals at risk

Strategy at risk

S1 Continuous focus on world class ESG performance

S2 Augment our Reserves & Resources (R&R) base

S3 Delivering on growth opportunities

S4 Optimise capital allocation and maintain a strong balance sheet

Potential impact on the Group

The resources sector is mandated to adhere to extensive health, safety and environmental (HSE) laws, regulations and standards, alongside keeping up with the evolving requirements and stakeholder expectations. These regulations are projected to intensify over the next decade, with large-scale environmental damage and failure of climate change mitigation and adaptation ranking among the top 10 risks in the World Economic Forum Global Risk Report 2023.

Our global presence exposes us to jurisdictions implementing or planning emission regulations. This may lead to increased fossil fuel costs, levies for exceeding emissions levels, litigations and an increase in administrative expenses for monitoring and reporting. Increasing greenhouse gas (GHG) emission regulations, including the carbon emissions trading mechanisms and tighter emission reduction targets, can raise costs and dampen demand.

Mitigating actions

Prioritising health, safety and environment (HSE)

  • Safety first culture: We are committed to compliance with international and local regulations, protecting our people, communities and the environment, ensuring minimal business disruptions caused by HSE incidents.
  • Leadership by example: Our site leadership actively promotes a “visible felt leadership” approach to safety, focussing on safety-critical tasks and managing business partner HSE performance.
  • Robust management systems: We have comprehensive policies and standards to mitigate HSE risks, and ensure continuous improvements through regular reviews and positive compliance reporting. High-risk areas receive special attention through ongoing safety standard updates.
  • Continuous learning environment: We are constantly improving our incident investigation and learning processes to prevent similar incidents from recurring.

Sustainability: a core value

  • International best practices: Vedanta’s sustainability framework aligns with international best practices and our structured assurance programme across various business divisions guarantees comprehensive coverage of HSE, community relations, and human rights aspects. This approach embeds sustainability throughout our operations.
  • Employee well-being: All businesses have comprehensive occupational health & safety policies supported by structured processes, controls and technology to ensure employee well-being.
  • Performance-driven safety culture: Safety key performance indicators (KPIs) are integrated into all employee performance evaluations, further incentivising safe behaviour and effective risk management.

Climate change action

  • Carbon reduction strategy: The Energy & Carbon Community of Practice (COP), ensures active development and recommendation of carbon reduction strategies to the Executive Committee and Board.
  • Renewable energy focus: We are dedicated to increasing our reliance on renewable energy sources to fulfil power obligations.
  • GHG reduction initiatives: Our Group companies are actively working to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emission intensity across all operations.

R2 Managing relationships with stakeholders

Capitals at risk

Strategy at risk

S1 Continuous focus on world class ESG performance

S3 Delivering on growth opportunities

Potential impact on the Group

Our success in existing operations and future projects hinges on strong support and healthy relationships with local communities. Failure to address local concerns and expectations can strain relations, impacting our reputation and social licence to operate and grow

Mitigating actions

Building strong stakeholder relationships

At Vedanta, we recognise the importance of fostering positive and collaborative relationships with all stakeholders. To mitigate potential risks in this area, we take a multi-pronged approach:

Comprehensive CSR strategy

  • Community-centric focus: Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives prioritise the needs of local communities, aligning with the Companies Act, CSR Guidelines, National Voluntary Guidelines, and UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This ensures meaningful local development.
  • Proactive engagement: Our business unit (BU) teams actively engage with communities and stakeholders through structured plans, fostering a partnership approach.
  • Strategic planning & governance: Our dedicated CSR Management Committee (ManCom) meets regularly to review and approve CSR strategy, execution, and communication. Business Executive Committees (ExCos) consider these inputs alongside strategic business priorities to determine CSR focus areas and budgets.

Effective grievance redressal

  • Standardised processes: All BUs follow established procedures for recording and resolving community and external grievances, along with clear social investment processes.

Dedicated resources

  • Community development teams: Each BU has a Community Development Manager (CDM) within the ExCo, supported by a team of community professionals which ensures consistent engagement and effective project implementation.

Building trust and transparency

  • Regular community engagement: Our business leadership teams hold regular interactions with local communities to build trust and relationships based on mutual benefit.
  • Responsible operations: We strive to identify and minimise any potential negative impacts from our operations. This includes acting transparently and ethically, fostering open dialogue, and adhering to commitments made to stakeholders.

Stakeholder engagement and communication

  • Strategic communication: We enhance our visibility through a strategic CSR communication approach which includes regular meetings with key stakeholders, showcasing our technology advancements and increasing organic social media engagement.
  • Comprehensive reporting: We report on best practices and performance across environmental, social, and governance (ESG) aspects, ensuring transparency and accountability to all stakeholders.

R3 Tailings dam stability

Capitals at risk

Strategy at risk

S1 Continuous focus on world class ESG performance

S3 Delivering on growth opportunities

S5 Operational excellence and cost leadership

Potential impact on the Group

Mining operations involve the release of waste material which can lead to loss of life, injuries, environmental damage and impact production. This can impact our reputation and have financial implications. A tailings dam failure is deemed a catastrophic risk – a low-frequency but highly severe event – and remains a continuous risk requiring the highest priority.

Mitigating actions

Accountability and continuous improvement

  • BU accountability: All BUs are responsible for continuous management of all tailings facilities, supported by experienced personnel with oversight from the Executive Committee (ExCo).
  • Technology and best practices: We are continuously digitalising tailings monitoring systems for improved efficiency and data analysis. Our tailings management standard is regularly updated to incorporate the latest best practices, including those established by the UNEP/ICMM Global Tailings Standard.
  • Independent reviews and oversight: We conduct independent third-party assessments annually to evaluate the implementation of best practices year-on-year. Additionally, a third party is engaged every three years to review tailings dam operations. This includes identifying improvement opportunities, necessary remedial work and assessing Operational Maintenance and Surveillance (OMS) manuals implementation across all operations.

Enhanced standards and procedures

  • We have augmented the Vedanta Tailings Management Standard adding robust features. These include annual independent reviews of each dam and half-yearly CEO sign-off confirming adherence to design parameters and the recent surveillance audit. Further, we prioritise transitioning to dry tailings facilities where feasible.
  • Management personnel responsible for dam management receive ongoing training from third-party experts and international consultants.

R4 Operational challenges in Aluminium and Power business

Capitals at risk

Strategy at risk

S3 Delivering on growth opportunities

S4 Optimise capital allocation and maintain a strong balance sheet

S5 Operational excellence and cost leadership

Potential impact on the Group

Our operations might be subject to several challenges including sourcing raw materials and infrastructure-related aspects and concerns around ash utilisation/evacuation.

Mitigating actions

We have made significant progress in optimising operations and solidifying our position for the future. Here are some key highlights:

Improved margins and production

Despite challenges in the London Metal Exchange (LME) prices, the Aluminium business has achieved consistent performance with highest-ever production and improved EBITDA supported by a consistent focus on cost reduction and aggressive pursuit of debottlenecking projects. We will continue this pursuit targeting 1,000 US$/t EBITDA margin and a record‑breaking 3 MTPA production.

The first 1.5 MTPA train of Alumina Refinery expansion at Lanjigarh was commissioned on 31 March 2024 and is in the process of being ramped up to full name-plate capacity. In parallel, efforts are underway to get the second train operationalised by Q2FY25. This two‑stage expansion marks a significant milestone in our journey towards becoming fully self-sufficient for Alumina supply.

Dedicated teams are actively working to operationalise newly‑acquired Bauxite Mine at Sijimali by Q3FY25 with an objective to achieve 100% captive bauxite. This, combined with other existing domestic sources under longterm agreements, significantly bolsters our Bauxite Security and enhances our margins.

Our coal mine at Jamkhani is fully operational and running at full approved capacity. Our teams are also working on the ground to secure all necessary approvals and operationalise the newly‑acquired coal mines at Kurloi, Radhikapur and Ghogharpalli. These endeavours will ensure our achievement of 100% security of low-cost, good quality coal through captive coal mines.

The Company has introduced a [few] captive rakes at our businesses as we endeavour to shift all overland transport from road to rail. This will improve safety, reduce cost and increase security of supply. More rakes will be placed in circuit in coming years.

Operational Efficiency

  • Enhanced Asset Reliability: Reliability of Assets have been significantly improved across all the units, delivering the highest ever power load factor (PLF), improved operational parameters and ultimately resulting in the highest ever production volume.
  • Robust infrastructure and logistics: The Company has introduced few captive rakes at our businesses as we endeavour to shift all overland transport from road to rail. This will improve safety, reduce cost and increase security of supply. More rakes will be placed in circuit in coming years.
  • Value-Added Products: We are increasing the capacity of our value-added facilities to enhance the product mix and meet the evolving needs of our sophisticated customers. This enables us to further augment our margins through higher net effective premium (NEP) for our products.
  • Waste management: We pursued agreements with cement companies, NHAI, and Brick Industries for Ash evacuation, and implemented mine backfilling. Additionally, we secured a patent for an innovative process to reduce Red Mud generation by 30% and enhance alumina yield by extracting iron from the bauxite ore before introduction to the Bayer process

R5 Discovery risk

Capitals at risk

Strategy at risk

S2 Augment our Reserves & Resources (R&R) base

S3 Delivering on growth opportunities

S4 Optimise capital allocation and maintain a strong balance sheet

Potential impact on the Group

Our expanding operations and production rates necessitate accelerated exploration and prospecting initiatives to replenish reserves and resources (R&R) faster than depletion. Failure to discover new resources or enhance existing ones could hinder our growth prospects. Besides, estimating ore and oil and gas reserves involves various uncertainties, owing to geological, technical and economic assumptions which are time-bound and subject to change with new information.

Mitigating actions

Governance mechanism

  • We have a dedicated Exploration Executive Committee to develop and implement strategy and review projects group-wide
  • Our dedicated exploration cell maintains persistent focus on enhancing exploration capabilities

Robust exploration practices

  • Reserve and resource growth: We ensure adequate capex allocation for exploration, prioritising R&R growth through a continuous drilling and exploration programme and leveraging modern technologies for operational efficiency
  • New exploration applications: Continue to make applications for new exploration tenements in our operational countries under their respective legislative regimes
  • Collaboration: Collaborating with international technical experts to strengthen our exploration capabilities

R6 Breaches in IT/cybersecurity

Capitals at risk

Strategy at risk

S5 Operational excellence and cost leadership

Potential impact on the Group

As our reliance on computers and network technology for operational efficiency increases, so does our vulnerability to security breaches. These breaches could result in theft, disclosure or corruption of critical information, a potential misappropriation of funds or disruptions to our business operations. Such cybersecurity breaches pose a threat to our business continuity and integrity.

Mitigating actions

Framework development and implementation

  • Best practices and standards: We have developed frameworks, policies and procedures aligned with industry best practices and international standards
  • Advanced security technologies: We have implemented best-in-class tools and advanced security technologies to create a robust security posture

Risk assessments and controls

  • Risk assessments and controls: We perform regular Risk Control Matrix (RCM) and IT General Controls (ITGC) assessments under SOx/ICOFR frameworks to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities
  • Plant technical security systems: Dedicated initiatives to strengthen the security landscape of plant technical systems (PTS)

Framework development and implementation

  • Capability building: Mandatory employee training programmes to promote cybersecurity awareness across all levels, including leadership and the Board
  • Regular penetration testing: Reputable external agencies conduct periodic assessments of our IT systems and governance framework, addressing any identified vulnerabilities promptly
  • Social engineering defence: Conducting a structured programme to educate all stakeholders (employees, leadership, Board) on social engineering tactics to prevent cyberattacks. Aadoption of various international standards relating to information security, disaster recovery and business continuity management, IT risk management and setting up internal IT processes and practices in line with these standards

R7 Loss of assets or profit due to natural calamities

Capitals at risk

Strategy at risk

S1 Continuous focus on world class ESG performance

S2 Augment our Reserves & Resources (R&R) base

S3 Delivering on growth opportunities

S4 Optimise capital allocation and maintain a strong balance sheet

S5 Operational excellence and cost leadership

Potential impact on the Group

Our operations face various circumstances including equipment or infrastructure damage, unexpected geological variations or technical issues, extreme weather conditions and natural disasters. Any of these circumstances, beyond our complete control, threaten operational stability and could adversely affect production and/or costs.

Mitigating actions

Insurance management and oversight

  • We have taken adequate Group insurance cover to safeguard operations, with an Insurance Council in place to monitor coverage adequacy and claims status
  • Engaging reputable institutions to underwrite our risk and an external agency to review the risk portfolio and adequacy of cover, assisting in managing our insurance portfolio
  • Implementing a mechanism for periodic insurance reviews across all entities, acknowledging that occurrences not fully covered by insurance could negatively impact the Group’s business

Function monitoring and capability building

  • Enhancing effectiveness of security and Insurance function through continuous monitoring and periodic reviews
  • Focussing on capability building within the Group to enhance risk management and insurance-related competencies

R8 Cairn-related challenges

Capitals at risk

Strategy at risk

S2 Augment our Reserves & Resources (R&R) base

S3 Delivering on growth opportunities

S4 Optimise capital allocation and maintain a strong balance sheet

Potential impact on the Group

Cairn India holds a 70% participating interest in Rajasthan Block, whose production sharing contract (PSC) was valid till 2020. While it has been granted a 10-year extension under the government’s policy for extending Pre-New Exploration and Licensing Policy (NELP) Exploration Blocks, the terms are less favourable and subject to certain conditions. Any deviation from the anticipated production ramp-up could potentially impact profitability.

Mitigating actions

Rajasthan PSC extension

  • A 10-year extension (15 May 2020 to 14 May 2030) has been executed by the parties to the Rajasthan PSC on 27 October 2022
  • Pre-NELP Extension Policy’s applicability to the Rajasthan Block is currently under judicial review

Production and project management

  • Undertaking focussed efforts to manage production decline including infill wells and recovery projects in key producing fields and exploration drilling across the portfolio to add resources
  • Established dedicated Project Management and Project Operating Committees to support the outsourcing partner and address issues promptly, to enable better quality control and timely execution of growth projects

R9 Regulatory and legal risk

Capitals at risk

Strategy at risk

S2 Augment our Reserves & Resources (R&R) base

S3 Delivering on growth opportunities

S4 Optimise capital allocation and maintain a strong balance sheet

Potential impact on the Group

We face challenges stemming from legal and regulatory changes in the multiple countries where we operate. This may result in increased operating costs, and restrictions such as higher royalties or taxation rates, export duties, alterations to mining rights/bans and legislation change.

Mitigating actions

Proactive regulatory monitoring and compliance

  • Proactive monitoring: The Group and the respective BUs actively track regulatory developments. The BUs additionally ensures meeting regulatory obligations, adapting to emerging requirements
  • Responsible business advocacy: We communicate our commitment to responsible mining through government and industry engagement

Best practices and governance mechanism

  • Standardised system: A common compliance monitoring system across all Group companies, mapping legal requirements and assigning responsible personnel
  • Standardised procedures: Established Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to ensure consistent compliance monitoring across businesses
  • Anti-bribery & corruption: Established a framework to monitor performance against anti-bribery and corruption guidelines
  • Legal expertise: Our strong in-house legal teams, reinforced by senior professionals, work to strengthen the compliance and governance framework and effectively resolve legal disputes
  • Contract management: Ensuring a robust contract management framework by utilising boilerplate clauses and standardising key contract types.

R10 Tax-related matters

Capitals at risk

Strategy at risk

S5 Operational excellence and cost leadership

Potential impact on the Group

Our businesses are subject to the tax regime. Any changes in tax structure or any tax-related litigation may impact our profitability.

Mitigating actions

Tax management approach

  • Regular engagement: We maintain regular communication with tax authorities to stay updated with changes, enabling us to take proactive actions to address issues and maintain compliance.
  • Maintaining high standards of integrity with respect to tax compliance and reporting
  • Actively participating in tax policy consultation processes where appropriate at a national or international level

Engaging internal and external experts

  • Dedicated expertise: Robust tax teams with significant experience and expertise to effectively handle tax matters at the business and Group levels.

R11 Price (metal, oil, ore, power, etc.), currency and interest rate volatility

Capitals at risk

Strategy at risk

S4 Optimise capital allocation and maintain a strong balance sheet

S5 Operational excellence and cost leadership

Potential impact on the Group

The Group’s product prices and demand are susceptible to volatility/uncertainty, influenced by global economic, environmental, political, legal and social conditions. Additionally, our global operations and transactions in multiple currencies expose us to risks associated with exchange rate fluctuation. Any adverse movement in these aspects may negatively impact our earnings, cash flow and reserves.

Mitigating actions

Ensuring operational resilience

  • Diversified portfolio: Our diversified portfolio helps mitigate fluctuations in commodity prices.
  • Low-cost production: Leveraging effective technology, vertical integration and operational improvement measures to ensure low-cost production. These strategies help maintain profitability and steady cash flow generation across the commodity price cycle.

Deploying effective forex strategies

  • Hedging strategies: We primarily sell products at market prices. However, back-to-back hedging is employed for custom smelting and purchased alumina to mitigate specific risks. Strategic hedging may be used with Executive Committee approval.
  • Foreign exchange management: Our policy prohibits forex speculation, but robust controls allow hedging currency risks on a back-to-back basis. We progressively hedge short-term exposures to mitigate near-term currency fluctuations. The Finance Standing Committee reviews all forex and commodity risks and recommends actions to business units.
  • Transparency and proactive management: Significant currency movements are discussed and addressed at Group ManComs, ensuring prompt action. The Annual Report details the accounting policy for currency translation.

R12 Major project delivery

Capitals at risk

Strategy at risk

S2 2 Augment our Reserves & Resources (R&R) base

S3 Delivering on growth opportunities

S4 Optimise capital allocation and maintain a strong balance sheet

S5 Operational excellence and cost leadership

Potential impact on the Group

Failure to meet the stated objectives of expansion projects may pose challenge in achieving business milestones.

Mitigating actions

Centralised and effective project management

  • Centralised project management: A dedicated group-level cell effectively monitors project progress, supported by market research, leveraging data analytics and benchmarking against industry leaders.
  • Empowered teams and streamlined systems: Streamlined project management systems with empowered structures along with fortnightly review meetings with senior leadership ensure accountability and value stream mapping.
  • Collaboration and cost reduction: Fostering close collaboration with key partners to optimise cost and timelines.

Excellence in project execution

  • Execution excellence: Ensuring superior project execution and on-time project by prioritising safety throughout the project lifecycle, engaging reputable contractors and utilising best-in-class technology and equipment for optimal productivity and safety. Digitalisation and analytics further enhance efficiency.
  • Quality assurance: Employing robust quality control procedures to ensure the safety and quality of services, design, and construction.
  • Global expertise: Partnering with a global engineering firm ensures life-of-mine planning and capital efficiency aligned with business goals.
  • Geotechnical expertise: Engaging reputable international agencies to provide geotechnical modelling and technical support when required.

R13 Access to capital

Capitals at risk

Strategy at risk

S3 Delivering on growth opportunities

S4 Optimise capital allocation and maintain a strong balance sheet

S5 Operational excellence and cost leadership

Potential impact on the Group

Sustained adverse economic downturn and/or suspension of any of our operations can affect revenue and free cash flow generation. This may hinder our ability to meet payment obligations, affecting our credit-worthiness, or make it challenging to raise financing at competitive terms to fund actual or proposed commitments.

Mitigating actions

Prudent financial management

  • Refinancing strategy: A dedicated team diligently focusses on executing cost-effective refinancing initiatives to extend debt maturities.
  • Long-term funding: We actively focus on building a pipeline of long-term funds to meet refinancing and growth capital expenditure needs.
  • BUs rigorously adhere to the Group’s treasury policies, ensuring sound financial risk management practices.

Building strong partnerships

  • Strong banking relationships: Vedanta maintains good relations with banks, which facilitates convenient access to borrowings.
  • Credit rating engagement: We regular engage in discussions with rating agencies to enhance confidence in our operating performance. CRISIL revised ratings to “AA-” while India Ratings revised ratings to “A+”. Both the rating agencies have put the ratings on “Watch with Developing Implications”