We ensure a positive impact on the financial capital and create value over time through strategic efforts in optimising capital allocation, deleveraging and strengthening the balance sheet and ensuring cash-generative operations. All investments undergo rigorous review to maximise shareholders’ returns and attain positive outcomes across all capitals.
2% Y-O-Y
3% Y-O-Y
EBITDA margin1
240 bps Y-O-Y
240 bps Y-O-Y
Dividend Declared
PAT (before exceptional and one-time gain)
22% Y-O-Y
Free cash flow (FCF) post-capex
37% Y-O-Y
Cash and cash equivalents
Strong Liquidity Position
Net debt
1Excluding custom smelting at copper business
We invest in our portfolio of high-quality assets to meet dynamic market demands. Our commitment extends to acquiring cutting-edge equipment for elevated operational efficiency, safety performance and stable cash flows. We are currently undertaking various vertical integrations and expansion projects to bolster reliable and efficient operations and seize opportunities.
Best-ever mined metal production
2% Y-O-Y
Highest-ever refined zinc-lead production
Highest ever silver Production
5% Y-O-Y
Average gross operated production
Highest-ever aluminium production
3% Y-O-Y
Overall power sales
25% Y-O-Y
Highest-ever production of saleable ore at Karnataka
5% Y-O-Y
Higest-ever Pig Iron Production
19% Y-O-Y
Cathode production from Silvassa
5% Y-O-Y
Highest-ever crude steel production
8% Y-O-Y
Record saleable production
18% Y-O-Y
Highest-ever crude steel production
19% Y-O-Y
Our collective knowledge, skills and resources are key to ensuring optimal and sustainable operations and driving our value creation. Our ongoing investments in innovation, digital transformation and technology help strengthen our competitiveness and business resilience.
R&D Spend
Patents received in FY 2023-24
Patents under active application
Investment in digitalisation programmes
We have a rightly-skilled team, helping us achieve business goals and strengthen our position as a market-leading natural resources powerhouse. Our investments extend beyond their skilling to prioritising their health, safety and well-being, striving to achieve zero harm. Our inclusive policies and practices encourage independent thinking and creativity, ensuring a workplace where diverse individuals with unique skills thrive together.
Total Workforce
Women employees
Employees covered under mentoring and support programmes
Attrition rate
TRIFR - basis Full time employees
Transgender employees
We own world-class mining assets in India and Africa, endowed with abundant natural resources and reserves (R&R), giving us long-term visibility to sustain operations. We effectively use these assets to generate significant social and economic value for our stakeholders. However, our operations also have associated environmental impacts, which we are striving to minimise by operating responsibly and investing in environmental stewardship.
Combined R&R
Zinc-Lead metal R&R
Silver R&R
Combined R&R
Metal R&R
Gross proved, and probable reserves and resources
GHG Intensity
Water Positivity Ratio
HVLT waste recycled
Trees Planted (As part of the commitment to plant 7 million trees by 2030)