

Revenue (₹ crore)

Description: Revenue represents the value of goods sold and services provided to third parties during the year

Commentary : In FY 2023-24, consolidated revenue was at ₹ 1,41,793 crore compared with ₹ 1,45,404 crore in FY 2022-23. This was primarily driven by lower output commodity prices primarily of zinc, aluminium and brent, partially offset by higher volume at Aluminium, Copper and Iron Ore business and rupee depreciation

EBITDA (₹ crore)

Description: Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) is a factor of volume, prices and cost of production. This measure is calculated by adjusting operating profit for special items and adding depreciation and amortisation

Commentary : EBITDA for FY 2023-24 was at ₹ 36,455 crore, 3% higher Y-O-Y. This was mainly due to softening of input commodity prices coupled with strategic cost savings, one time arbitration award in Oil & Gas business and rupee depreciation which is partially offset by slip in commodity prices primarily of aluminium, zinc and brent and strategic hedging gain recognised in previous year

FCF post-capex (₹ crore)

Description: This represents net cash flow from operations after investing in growth projects. This measure ensures that profit generated by our assets is reflected by cash flow, in order to de-lever or maintain future growth or shareholder returns

Commentary : We generated FCF of ₹ 11,427 crore in FY 2023-24, driven by strong cash flow from operations and working capital release, partly offset by higher capex

Return on capital employed (ROCE) (%)

Description: This is calculated on the basis of operating profit, before special items and net of tax outflow, as a ratio of average capital employed. The objective is to earn a post-tax return consistently above the weighted average cost of capital

Commentary : Strong ROCE of c.23% in FY 2023-24 (FY 2022-23: 21%), primarily due to increase in EBIT

Adjusted EBITDA margin (%)

Description: Calculated as EBITDA margin excluding EBITDA and turnover from custom smelting of Copper business

Commentary : Adjusted EBITDA margin for FY 2023-24 was 30% (FY 2022-23: 28%)

Net debt/EBITDA (consolidated)

Description:This ratio represents the level of leverage of the Company. It represents the strength of the balance sheet of Vedanta Limited. Net debt is calculated in the manner as defined in Note 16 of the consolidated financial statements

Commentary : Net debt/EBITDA ratio as of 31 March 2024 was at 1.5x, compared with 1.3x as on 31 March 2023

Interest Cover

Description: The ratio is a representation of the ability of the Company to service its debt. It is computed as a ratio of EBITDA divided by gross finance costs (including capitalised interest) less investment revenue

Commentary : The interest cover for the Company was at c. 4.79 times, lower Y-O-Y on account of higher interest

Debtors turnover ratio*

Description: The debtors’ turnover ratio is an accounting measure used to quantify a Company’s effectiveness in collecting its receivables. This is calculated as a ratio of revenue from operation to average trade receivables

Commentary : The debtors turnover ratio was at 34.93 times

Inventory turnover ratio

Description: The inventory turnover ratio is an efficiency ratio that shows how effectively inventory is managed. This is calculated as a ratio of cost of goods sold to average inventory

Commentary : The inventory turnover ratio for the Company was at 7.52 times in FY 2023-24 as compared to 7.51 times in FY 2022-23

Current ratio

Description: The current ratio is a liquidity ratio that measures a Company’s ability to pay short-term obligations or those due within one year. This is calculated as a ratio of Current Assets to Current Liabilities

Commentary : The current ratio of the Company remained at 0.68 times

Debt equity ratio

Description: It is a financial ratio indicating the relative proportion of shareholders’ equity and debt used to finance a Company’s assets. This is calculated as a ratio of total external borrowing to total equity (share capital + reserves + minority)

Commentary : The ratio has increased to 1.71 times in FY 2023-24 primarily due to an increase in gross debt from the increase in borrowings at THL Zinc Ventures and BALCO

Operating profit margin (%)

Description: Operating profit margin is a profitability or performance ratio used to calculate the percentage of profit a Company produces from its operations. This is calculated as a ratio of operating profit (EBITDA less depreciation) to revenue from operations

Commentary : The operating profit margin was higher in FY 2023-24 as compared to FY 2022-23, primarily due to higher EBITDA in the current year

Net profit margin (%)

Description: It is a measure of the profitability of the Company. This is calculated as a ratio of net profit (before exceptional items) to revenue from operations

Commentary : The net profit margin was at 8% in FY 2023-24 as compared to 10% in FY 2022-23

Return on Net Worth (%)

Description: It is a measure of the profitability of the Company. This is calculated as a ratio of net profit (before exceptional items) to average net worth (share capital + reserves + minority)

Commentary : The return on net worth was at 25% in FY 2023-24 as compared to 22% in FY 2022-23

*Excluding power business

Growth capex (₹ crore)

Description: This represents the amount invested in our organic growth programme during the year

Commentary : Our stated strategy is of disciplined capital allocation on high-return, low-risk projects. Capital expenditure on expansion during the year stood at ₹ 12,267 crore

EPS (before exceptional items) (₹)

Description: This represents the net profit attributable to equity shareholders and is stated before exceptional items and dividend distribution tax (net of tax and minority interest impacts)

Commentary : In FY 2023-24, EPS before exceptional items was at ₹ 21.40 per share

Dividend (₹ per share)

Description: Dividend per share is the total of the final dividend recommended by the Board in relation to the year, and the interim dividend paid out during the year

Commentary : The Board has recommended a total interim dividend of ₹ 29.50 per share this year compared with ₹ 101.50 per share in the previous year

Reserves and resources (R&R)

Description: Reserves and resources are based on specified guidelines for each commodity and region.

Zinc India (million tonnes)

Description: During the year, combined R&R were estimated to be 456 million tonnes, containing 30.8 million tonnes of zinc-lead metal and 854.3 million ounces of silver. Overall mine life continues to be more than 25 years.

Zinc International (million tonnes)

Description: During the year, combined mineral resources and ore reserves estimated at 662 million tonnes, containing 34.8 million tonnes of metal

Oil & Gas (Mmboe)

Description: During FY 2023-24, the gross proved, and probable reserves and resources stood at 1,376 Mmboe

GHG Emissions (in tonnes of CO2 )

Description: Vedanta used Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions, measured in tonnes of CO2e to track its carbon footprint.

We calculate and report Greenhouse Gas (GHG) inventory i.e. Scope 1 (process emissions and other direct emissions) and Scope 2 (purchased electricity) as defined under the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and World Resource Institute (WRI) GHG Protocol

Commentary : Our overall GHG emissions have increased marginally by 0.8% Y-O-Y


Description: The total recordable injury frequency rate (TRIFR) is the number of fatalities, lost time injuries, and other injuries requiring treatment by a medical professional per million hours worked

Commentary : This year, the TRIFR was 1.3. Safety remains the key focus across businesses

Gender diversity (%)

Description: The percentage of women in the total permanent employee workforce

Commentary : We focus on diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace. During the year, female employees made up 20% of the total workforce achieving our target six years ahead of schedule

HVLT (High Volume Low Toxicity) (million tonnes)

Description: High Volume Low Toxicity (HVLT) waste is present in large quantities and is usually stored in tailings dams/ ash dyes or other secure landfill structures before being sent to other industries as raw materials. HVLT includes fly ash, bottom ash, slag, jarosite, and red mud

Commentary : In FY 2023-24, we have achieved 92% recycling of our HVLT waste

Water consumed and recycled (million m3 )

Description: Water consumed is the portion of water used that is not returned to the source after being withdrawn. Recycled water or reclaimed water means treated or recycled wastewater commonly used for non-potable (not for drinking) purposes, such as agriculture, landscape, public parks, and golf course irrigation (million m3 )

Commentary : In FY 2023-24, we recycled 84 million m3 of water, equivalent to around 30% of consumed water

CSR footprint (million beneficiaries)

Description: The total number of beneficiaries through our community development programmes across all our operations

Commentary : We benefited 17.4 million people this year through our community development projects comprising community health, nutrition, education, water and sanitation, sustainable livelihood, women empowerment and bio-investment