CSR at Vedanta Limited Lanjigarh

Vedanta Limited operates a 2 MTPA (million tonnes per annum) alumina refinery in Lanjigarh (Kalahandi district, Odisha), India, since 2007 and an associated 90 MW captive power plant at Lanjigarh, which was commissioned in 2008. The refinery feeds Vedanta’s aluminium smelters at Jharsuguda in Odisha and at BALCO in Korba, Chhattisgarh. In line with the group’s strategy of contributing to the communities it operates in, the company has focused interventions in the areas of health, education, livelihood, and infrastructure amongst several others, in the Kalahandi region.
Impact created
Estimated number of beneficiaries in Kalahandi and Rayagada districts
"My name is Laksha Majhi from Balbhadrapur village. I was suffering from eye disorder for a long time. Then I came to know that screening of cataract is going on at Vedanta hospital. I came for a checkup and was diagnosed with cataract. I was told that it can be cured through operation. The Vedanta hospital team arranged every facility for operation, and it was successfully done on 13/12/2021.Now I am fully cured and able to do all my tasks. I really appreciate the endeavor and service of Vedanta towards patients like us."

Laksh Majhi
"Namaste, my name is Rashmita Majhi. I am from Jodabandha village. I am from Maa Dharani SHG.Our group has received mushroom cultivation training from Vedanta Sakhi group as we had shown interest in the same. We started this cultivation as our group wanted to do some income generating activity. We have created 100 mushroom beds here and one mushroom bed costs us Rs.50/-.We decided to do mushroom cultivation as less time and less investment is involved with more returns. Vedanta Sakhi project helped us through proper training and understanding as to how to convert this cultivation into a good income generating activity."

Rashmita Majhi
"My name is Jogadi Majhi. I am from Belamba village. Vedanta has provided me with this fuel efficient chulha which has helped my health as it emits less smoke and as a result, work can be done faster through it. Such initiatives are helping towards our development as a community. I would like to thank Vedanta for contributing towards this initiative"

Jogadi Majhi
"I'm glad that my friends and I fared well in both the theory and practical exams. All of us were awarded Housekeeping Attendant certificates validating the successful completion of our training. Immediately after this, I got a regular job as a Housekeeping Attendant at Ramoji Film City, Hyderabad. I feel a sense of accomplishment as I have been entrusted with the responsibility of working with a reputed firm in the hospitality sector. As a result of the training, I have been able to complete my tasks comfortably and effectively and achieve my target production and quality with ease."

Anupama Durga
"I feel a sense of accomplishment as I have been entrusted with the responsibility of working with a sophisticated machine which has a cost of Rs. 5 Lakhs. Also, Sensitivity:Internal (C3) because of the training, I have been able to complete my tasks comfortably and effectively and achieve my target production and quality with ease."

Madhusudan Majhi
An overview of our CSR activities
CSR at Our Businesses
Project Child Care Centre
Kalahandi has been known for its poverty and low rate of literacy. There are no schools providing pre-school education in the area. To instill discipline in children and to prepare them for formal education, the project Child Care Centre was started.
The Child Care Centres (CCCs), under the Vedanta Lanjigarh CSR intervention are intended to provide pre-schooling facilities and support in the form of child care, nutrition and education to children in the age group of 2.5 years to 6 years. Child care centre project was started in 2005. It started with a few centres and then extended to multiple locations. Currently there are 35 centres in Lanjigarh and Muniguda blocks. The total beneficiaries in the academic year 2018-19 were 851 students which has gone up to 888 students in FY'19.
Impact created
- Till date over 12,000 children have benefited from this project.
- The project focuses on the following parameters for the holistic development of children: Personality Development, Art and Craft, Physical Development, Language and Social Development.
- In FY'2021, health check-up was conducted for 851 students enrolled in the CCC.
- Students from Tribal communities are mastering the written & oral communication in languages such as Hindi & English.
- The programme has been able to inculcate the habit of punctuality, discipline, care, social skills alongside the regular curriculum.
- The Story telling session is another highlight of the programme, where a person from the community is invited to deliver moral stories to the children to ensure they remain connected to their traditional folklore.
Rural Development
Project Clean Lighting & Clean Cooking
The villagers in Lanjigarh block, Kalahandi are habitual of using traditional forms of energy and fuel which affects the health of the individuals and causes pollution in the environment. Project Sustainability was conceived with the aim of promoting the use of clean energy, bringing about efficiency in the use of energy and use of better technology which is less damaging to the environment. With this project, Vedanta Ltd Lanjigarh, is set to bring light into the lives of 5,000 rural households by replacing the kerosene/paraffin lanterns with solar lighting devices.
The objective of this project is to transform 70 villages of Lanjigarh block into energy-efficient villages of Kalahandi district in three years.
Impact created
- Villagers are now sensitised towards the sustainable development goal of affordable and clean energy with special focus on clean cooking and clean lighting.
- 850 households in 25 villages have started using solar lanterns in place of fuel lamps with 80% cost support from the company.
- The company shares at least 80% of the cost of alternative cooking and lighting devices.
Rural Development
Niti Aayog Aspirational District Program
Vedanta Limited, Lanjigarh is committed to work in partnership with State Government, District Administration and development partners (public, private and Non-Governmental Organizations) to strengthen government institutions. The project is aimed at creating sustainable models in:
- Menstrual health management through equipped medical sub-centres.
- Learner-friendly schools through improved classrooms, playgrounds, toilet facilities, boundary walls and digital education.
- Quality early childcare services through improved ICDS centres.
- Strengthening traditional and local enterprises through facilitation of women’s groups and federations.
- Community infrastructure development through creation of village roads, water, sanitation and electricity through alternative energy sources.
- Community infrastructure development through creation of village roads, water, sanitation and electricity through alternative energy sources.
NITI Aayog will facilitate the implementation of the plan developed jointly with Vedanta. It will also facilitate functioning of Vedanta in the aspirational district, engagement of development partners and interaction with other implementing agencies.
Rural Development
Menstrual Health Management
Women are exposed to life-threatening RTI (Reproductive Tract Infection) if hygiene is not maintained throughout menstruation. Usually, adolescent girls are guided by their mother, elder sister or other family members regarding menstrual hygiene practices. So, knowledge and beliefs of mothers as well as other female family members regarding menstrual hygiene are an important determinant. In tribal culture, talking about the reproductive function of the body is considered taboo. Young females have poor knowledge and lack awareness about physical and physiological changes associated with the onset of puberty. They hardly get any chance to learn about menstruation.
The objective of this initiative is to break the existing myths related to menstruation and reproduction in the community and promote hygienic practices for better reproductive health.
Impact created
- A village-on-village basis awareness drive with a target to sensitise the community in the entire Kalahandi district was organised.
- 3,066 adolescent girls and their mothers were reached out to through 177 awareness programmes.
- Special focus is being given to dietary supplements and best hygiene practices to be followed.
Rural Development
Animal Vaccination Camp
In order to avoid seasonal infections and death and to ensure continuous livelihood of the community dependent on livestock, animal vaccination camps were organised. Without vaccination, reduced resistance is seen in cattle which leads to the development of clinical diseases. Vaccinating animals helps in reducing morbidity and mortality in them and contributes to improving animal welfare.
The aim of this project is to ensure best health and low death rate in animals on which local communities are dependent for their livelihood.
Impact created
- Within the last two months of FY'21, animal vaccination camps were conducted in 20 villages benefitting 311 people.
- The programme started as a pilot project from Lanjigarh Block of Kalahandi district, consisting of 26 Gram Panchayats.
Health & Sanitation
Project Aarogya
Vedanta Hospital has been a leader in the provision of high-quality health services in Lanjigarh region and has notably worked with the community to adopt best preventive measures towards healthcare through Information, Education and Communication approach and provide quality, curative health services through the hospital and Mobile Health Unit. Highly qualified and experienced medical staff is engaged to ensure that the hospital delivers quality treatment. Situated at the foothills of the Niyamgiri range, the hospital is a front-runner in the Kalahandi District when it comes to important medical specialties such Pediatrics, Medicine, Obstetrics & Gynecology and Orthopedic. Additionally, monthly visits by other specialists such as Dentists, Ophthalmologists, ENT Doctors, Pulmonologists, etc., in such a remote location, has proven extremely beneficial for the local communities. Provision of free medical consultation, free medicines and facilities like Pathology, Radiology, IPD Wards and Physiotherapy has now made the hospital a preferred choice of the local people.
Impact created
- 1,86,173 OPD registrations in the last three years.
- Single facility caters to 271 peripheral villages.
- Average 13,000 patients benefited annually with over 30% patients in the senior citizen category.
- Mobile Health Unit conducts 720 visits on an average in 8 Gram Panchayats annually
- Cases of death by malaria have reduced drastically.
- People rely more on medical practices instead of approaching quacks.
- People rely more on medical practices instead of approaching quacks.
Women's Empowerment
Project Sakhi
Kalahandi has its own set of challenges when it comes to women taking active participation in income generation for their families. Attitude and interest of people towards generating more income for better livelihood is less. In spite of availability, proper use of natural resources is very less. Majority of the Self Help Groups in the locality are defunct and lack proper training, skill or awareness of income generating activities.
To improve options of income generation for local women, through locally viable group enterprises, Project SAKHI was started. The concept of Sakhi, in all its development programmes, is to make women aware of their socio-economic and cultural status in the society and help them avail their rights and privileges. Planned approach to development, with active participation and involvement of the concerned people, stands out as the strength of the project.
Impact created
- The Project now covers 307 WSHGs (Women Self Help Group) reaching nearly 3,236 Women households.
- Women from the local community have been empowered through different training programmes like Financial Literacy, Leadership Training, and Income Generation Activity Training, etc.
- Loan is now available to new micro entrepreneurs at a low interest rate and long-term repayment schedule.
- Members get facilitated for Loan linkages from Nationalised Financial Institutions and Banks.
- Access to various Governmental Schemes like PMJBY, PMSBY, APY, Sukanya, Old Age Pension, and Ujjwala Yojna have also been provided to them.
- One Block Level convergence meeting and Credit Linkage Programme was conducted by Mahashakti Foundation with support from NABARD RO, Bhubaneswar, at Biswanathpur, with the objective to increase Credit Bank linkage of SHGs in collaboration with Mission Shakti and Odisha Livelihood Mission (OLM).
- Shaktimayee Foundation Board Members started a Tailoring Training Program with support of VEDANTA CSR SAKHI Project and MAHASHAKTI FOUNDATION. The main objective of this programme is to empower women through skill development and financial support. In the first phase more than 30 trainees had enrolled.
Project Sustainable Livelihood
Most of the community around Lanjigarh depends on farming for their livelihood. Agriculture is the main occupation of the households in the area. Livestock rearing is an activity associated with agriculture and it is one of the means of livelihood in rural areas. About one-third of the households in the plant area were engaged in livestock rearing/animal husbandry. Project Sustainable Livelihood was initiated in FY’21, with the sole focus to create robust livelihood opportunities and enable households to earn more and lead healthier lives. This portfolio covers a number of integrated community-based interventions that strive to improve rural incomes through improved farming practices, water management, soil conservation, livestock husbandry, market linkages, crafts, etc. Over 1,127 families were engaged with livelihood initiatives in FY’21.
Impact created
- 1,127 families benefited through livelihood initiatives
- 550 households benefited from backyard poultry project
- Around INR 4,000 average profit earned by selling poultry
- Backyard Poultry: 550 households benefited from the Backyard Poultry project where 10 chicks were given to the community along with a shed, feed, and vaccination in convergence with the government (OPELIP). Beneficiaries have earned on an average Rs 3,500-4,000 by selling poultry. Over 40% of the people have ploughed back the profit to continue the activity, making it a sustainable source of additional income.
- Orchard: In convergence with the Horticulture Department, mango plantation was done across 25 acres of land. The project emphasises on capacity building of the target families to effectively establish & maintain an orchard and build linkages with different institutions and markets.
- Mo-Upakari Bagicha: With the objective to improve access to nutrition, rich diverse vegetables and fruits, particularly for pregnant women, lactating mothers, children and adolescent girls in the family, 13 different types of seeds were facilitated to 212 households through OLM and MGNREGA to generate backyard kitchen.
- Broiler & Layer Farming: To strengthen the local poultry production system and help the local farmers generate some additional income through broiler meat and egg production, Vedanta has implemented 500 bird capacity broiler farming and 200 bird capacity layer chick units in convergence with the District Veterinary Department.
- Mushroom Cultivation: 125 households have been identified to practise Mushroom Cultivation in convergence with NABARD. A total of 1,139 mushroom beds were prepared, over 800 kgs of mushrooms were produced and the total income generation was INR 10,9424.
Community Infrastructure
Project Community Infrastructure
Investments in basic infrastructure like educational institutions, libraries, culverts, retaining walls, recreation, and social inclusion centres are the building blocks of a vibrant and strong community that supplements the overall facelifting and development of any place. Developing and maintaining social infrastructure is critical for rural development and nation building. Vedanta Limited, Lanjigarh is committed to the development of basic infrastructure like approach roads, drinking water projects, local drains, community centres, etc. for the development of its operational area.
Impact created
- Over 500 developmental projects have been carried out since plant inception.
- Over 40 tube wells, 10 approach roads, 12 local drains, 10 community centres have been developed and dedicated to the community.
Project Covid 19 Readiness Program
In view of the health and financial challenges posed by the pandemic, the company promptly responded to the Covid 19 crisis with consistent efforts to cater to the increased demand for medical provisions like washable face masks, sanitisers, and soaps while creating livelihood opportunity for the community even before Covid cases appeared in Odisha. 83 women SHG members were trained in stitching masks to ensure uninterrupted supply and promote self-dependency.
Considering the Covid outbreak in the country, the programme was started to sensitise the community to prevent the spread of infection in the vicinity.
Impact created
- Within one month, SHG members had produced more than 1.2 lakh washable masks.
- Extensive awareness activities such as mike announcements in villages, leaflet distribution, telemedicine facility, etc. were organised.
- Agricultural support was extended to farmers for continuation of their livelihood.
- The impact created by the project had actually sustained because there was a behavioural change in the community. People started using masks and are washing hands regularly to protect themselves from the deadly virus.
- The company professionals worked relentlessly to create awareness in the community towards the need of Covid 19 vaccination. The team had mobilised senior citizens, provided them transport that took them to the government-run Community Health Centres for vaccination free of cost, as per the government guidelines.
- The initial target for mask production was 20,000 but crossed 1,20,000 within a month. Such a rapid response not only ensured steady availability of masks for the community but also added to the income of the women from the tribal community. .
- The average income of the SHG members has increased to over Rs 6,626 within a span of one month.
- Mask and hygiene soap bar distribution.
- Stitched masks and soaps were distributed in the community directly and on a door-to-door basis in 76 villages.
- Over 1,00,000 masks and 40,000 soaps were distributed in the community with the support of Block Development Officer, Lanjigarh, Block Chairman, and political leaders such as Ex-MLAs of the Lanjigarh Block.