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Data starting from 10 January 2007

  • Sterlite Industries (India) Limited ("SIIL") has been merged with Sesa Goa Limited effective 17 August 2013 and subsequently, known as Sesa Sterlite Limited.
  • Name of Sesa Sterlite Limited has been changed to Vedanta Limited effective 21 April 2015.
  • Cairn India Limited ("Cairn") has been merged with Vedanta Limited effective 11 April 2017.
  • Price Data fetched from NSE Website.
  • End Value of Investment has been calculated basis the latest closing price available on NSE website as per the end date selected by the user.

Data starting from 10 January 2007

  • Sterlite Industries (India) Limited ("SIIL") has been merged with Sesa Goa Limited effective 17 August 2013 and subsequently, known as Sesa Sterlite Limited.
  • Name of Sesa Sterlite Limited has been changed to Vedanta Limited effective 21 April 2015.
  • Cairn India Limited ("Cairn") has been merged with Vedanta Limited effective 11 April 2017.
  • Price Data fetched from NSE Website.
  • End Value of Investment has been calculated basis the latest closing price available on NSE website as per the end date selected by the user.
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