Our ESG scorecard

Over the years, we have collaborated with national and international organisations to implement best-in-class practices, adopt the latest technologies and bolster our innovation capability. We do so to further our economic stewardship, deliver on our social responsibility and make our governance more robust. Here’s a summary of the targets we have set for ourselves for the future and our performance against those set goals.

Transforming Communities

Aim 1

Keep community welfare at the
core of business decisions
Key performance indicators
FY2025 Goals
FY 2022 performance
Material matters

Impact Management

Zero social incidents category 4 and above

1 Category 4 social incident


Transparency & Trust

Signatories and participants on VPSHR

Work to begin in FY2023

Transparency & Trust

Set up an external SP advisory body

External ESG Advisory Body established with three global experts

Community Development

Transparency & Trust

Annual human rights assessment across all the businesses

Human Rights self-assessment conducted across all BUs

Aim 2

Empowering over 2.5 million families with
enhanced skillsets
Key performance indicators
FY2030 Goals
Material matters


2.5 million families to be impacted through skill development and training by 2030

Community Development

2.3, 2.4, 4.4, 8.3

Aim 3

Uplifting over 100 million women and
children through Education, Nutrition,
Healthcare and Welfare
Key performance indicators
FY2025 Goals
FY2030 Goals
FY 2022 performance
Material matters

Nand Ghar

29,000 Nand Ghars constructed by 2025

3,262 Nand Ghars completed by FY2022 MoU for establishing 25,000 Nand Ghars by 2025 signed with the Government of Rajasthan

Community Development

2.1, 2.2, 4.1, 4.2 2.3, 2.4, 4.4, 8.3

Education, Nutrition, Healthcare and Welfare

100 million women and children to be uplifted through Nand Ghars, educational by 2030

Transforming Planet

Aim 4

Net-carbon neutrality by 2050 or sooner
Key performance indicators
FY2025 Goals
FY2030 Goals
FY 2022 performance
Material matters

Absolute GHG Emissions

25% reduction in absolute emissions by 2030 (baseline: FY2021)

4.19% increase in GHG emissions

7.2, 12.2, 13.2

GHG Emissions Intensity

20% reduction in GHG intensity of metals business (baseline: FY2021)

4.85% reduction in GHG intensity of metals business

Renewable Energy

500 MW RE RTC or equivalent by 2025

2.5 GW of RE RTC or equivalent by 2030

464 MW RTC equivalent used

LMV Decarbonisation

50% LMVs to be decarbonised

100% of LMVs decarbonised by 2030

*New Target*

Energy Savings

Achieve energy savings of 10 million GJ

3.8 million GJ of energy saved

Climate Change and Decarbonisation

Capital Allocation for Transition

Aim to spend US$5 billion by 2030 to accelerate transition to net-zero

*New Target*

Hydrogen as a Fuel

Commitment to accelerate adoption of hydrogen as a fuel and seek to diversify into H2 fuel or related businesses

*New Target*

Aim 5

Achieving net water positivity by 2030
Key performance indicators
FY2025 Goals
FY2030 Goals
FY 2022 performance
Material matters

Net Water Positivity

Net water positivity

Water positivity ratio: 0.48

6.3, 6.4, 6.b

Water Consumption

15% reduction in freshwater consumption (Baseline: FY2021)

*New Target*

Water Management

Water-related Incidents

Zero category 5 incidents related to water

Water Recycling

10% increase in the water recycling rate (baseline: FY21)

Water recycling rate: 30.6%

Transforming Planet

Aim 6

Innovations for greener business model
Key performance indicators
FY2025 Goals
FY2030 Goals
FY 2022 performance
Material matters

Fly ash

Sustain the fly ash utilisation at 100%

Fly ash utilisation: 115%


Legacy Fly ash

Zero legacy ash

*New Target*

Solid Waste Management

Waste Utilisation

100% low toxicity, high volume generated waste to be utilised

HVLT Utilisation: HVLT

Tailings Dam Audit and Findings Closure

All tailing facilities audited and critical actions closed with real-time monitoring

98% of Golder’s Audit observations closed

Tailings Dam Management

Biodiversity Risk

Review of site biodiveristy risk across all our locations

To be undertaken in FY2023


15.1, 15.2, 15.9

Transforming Workplace

Aim 7

Prioritising safety and health of all employees
Key performance indicators
FY2025 Goals
FY2030 Goals
FY 2022 performance
Material matters


Zero fatalities

Fatalities: 12



Reduce TRIFR by 30% from 2021 baseline

1.04 TRIFR per mn man hours by 2030

TRIFR: 1.40

Occupational Health Management Systems

Health performance standards implemented and part of VSAP

Exposure Monitoring

Employee and community exposure monitoring to be completed

To be undertaken in FY2023

Health and Safety

Exposure Prevention

No employee exposure to red zone areas by 2030

*New Target*

Employee Wellbeing

Mental health programme in place for all employees

Employee Wellbeing

100% of eligible employees to undergo periodic medical examinations

Aim 8

Promote gender parity, diversity and inclusivity
Key performance indicators
FY2025 Goals
FY2030 Goals
FY 2022 performance
Material matters

% Of Women in the Workforce

Equal Opportunity for everyone

Gender diversity (Full- time employees): 20%

Gender diversity 11.63%

5.1, 5.5, 5.c

% Of Women in the Workforce

Gender diversity in leadership roles (Full- time employees): 40%

Gender diversity in leadership roles: 29%

% Of Women in the Workforce

Gender diversity in decision-making bodies (Full-time employees): 30%

Gender diversity in decision-making bodies (Full-time employees): 27%

% Of Women in Technical Leader/ Shop-floor Roles

Gender diversity in technical/shop- floor roles (Full-time employees): 10%

*New Target*

Diversity and Equal Opportunity

Share of women in all management positions, including junior, middle and top management (as % of total management positions)



Transforming Workplace

Key performance indicators
FY2030 Goals
FY 2022 performance
Material matters

Share of women in all management positions, including junior, middle and top management (as % of total management positions)



Share of women in top management positions, i.e., maximum two levels away from the CEO or comparable positions (as % of total top management positions)



Diversity and Equal Opportunity

Share of women in management positions in revenue- generating functions (e.g., sales) as % of all such managers (i.e., excluding support functions such as HR, IT, Legal, etc.)



Share of women in STEM-related positions (as % of total STEM positions)



Aim 9

Adhere to global business standards of corporate governance
Key performance indicators
FY2025 Goals
FY2030 Goals
Material matters

Safety Programme for Business Partners

Rubaru to be introduced at all Business Units across Vedanta


Supply Chain GHG Transition

Work with our long- term Tier 1 suppliers to submit their GHG reduction strategies

Align our GHG reduction strategies with our long-term Tier 1 suppliers

Supply Chain Sustainability

Training on Code of Conduct

Continue to cover 100% employees in code of conduct training

% Independent Directors on Board

Minimum 50% Independent Directors on Board as per SEBI requirements

% Of Gender Diversity on the Board

25% gender diversity on the board