Prioritising safety and health of all employees

Our approach to occupational health and safety centres around proactive strategies that back our vision of creating a Zero Harm work environment. Through constant monitoring, training, felt leadership and worker engagement, we promote a safety culture where everyone feels responsible for workplace safety. We have empowered our workers, whereby they can decline to perform any work they feel undermines their own safety and that of others.

Key material issues

Workplace health, safety and well-being

SDGs impacted

Sub-goals8.8: Protect labour rights and promote safe and secure working environments for all workers, including migrant workers, in particular women migrants, and those in precarious employment


A robust health and safety framework guides our safety culture that encompasses all our operations. We have a definitive structure for implementation of this framework and we constantly seek feedback to better our safety performance.

We have 17 safety performance standards and 20 health and safety technical and management standards in place. All our operational facilities and sites have been certified with ISO 45001, OHSAS 18001. We are aligned with ICMM guidelines as well as other applicable international systems of health and safety. Our commitment to ensuring a reliable and safe workplace along with our robust framework has made it possible for us to deal with setbacks and move ahead with confidence. We have expanded our safety standards portfolio, incorporating additional critical risks identified during our incident investigations.

The Safety Community of Practice drives implementation of Aim 7 across the Group.


Safety Committees drive and review safety performance across the business. Repeated safety violations or fatalities result stringent consequence management for management teams. We undertake regular training in various areas of safety to improve the safety culture. Visibly felt leadership is core to our operations and all leaders are expected to demonstrate highest level of safety discipline in their respective areas of operations, ensuring inclusivity of business partners as well. Our safety leadership regularly engages with the business partner site in-charges and their safety officers for their capability development and for strengthening the safety culture at our sites.








Critical risk management

We are in the process of implementing a Critical Risk Management programme across the business to identify critical risks and to measure, monitor and report control effectiveness so that we are able to prevent fatalities. Global experts have been onboarded to help us implement the programme across the BUs. Ownership of individual risks are taken up by our business CEOs, who are responsible for driving uniform practices related to that particular risk across Vedanta. Risk Owners are also responsible for implementing practices surrounding all the 13 risks in their respective BUs. Design workshops involving four risks have already been completed. External consultants often guide us in the capacity building of our Risk Owners and Risk Champions.


We are continuously strengthening our safety management systems to achieve our goal of zero fatalities. Unfortunately, we experienced 12 fatalities during the reporting year. We have proper mechanisms in place to investigate all accidents. Each is looked into by the senior leadership team as nominated by the Group Executive Committee. The outcome of these investigations is immediately shared across all BUs to share the learnings horizontally.

Details of fatalities

Type of operations

No. of fatalities

Vedanta employee/ Business partner

Risk category

Detail of the incident

Actions taken

Zinc Business

Type of operations

Mine, HZL (Hindustan Zinc Limited)

No. of fatalities


Vedanta employee/ Business partner

Business partner

Risk category

Fall of ground

Detail of the incident

During manual face charging activity in the underground mines, a loose rock got detached from the face at a height of 3 metres and fell on two (workmen) in the impact radius

Actions taken

Time bound action plan has been prepared to mechanise the activity

Type of operations

Mine, HZL (Hindustan Zinc Limited)

No. of fatalities


Vedanta employee/ Business partner

Business partner

Risk category


Detail of the incident

After two failed attempts of blasting from usual Firing Point, the individual – mine mate – went to check cable continuity and performed blasting from non- designated point in the line of fire. He was pushed by the air blast, resulting in a fatal head injury

Actions taken

Capacity building and training to ensure compliance with our SoPs (Standard Operating Procedures)

Type of operations

Mine, VZI

No. of fatalities


Vedanta employee/ Business partner

Business partner

Risk category

Fall of ground

Detail of the incident

A miner entered the open stope to inspect the rock with an intension of secondary blasting, and during the process, was caught in an unexpected rock-slide

Actions taken

Mechanised secondary blasting (remote operated rock breaking) is being explored to avoid such incidents; simultaneously, ensuring strict compliance to SoP (Standard Operating Procedures) is being monitored

Type of operations

Mine, HZL (Hindustan Zinc Limited)

No. of fatalities


Vedanta employee/ Business partner

Business partner

Risk category


Detail of the incident

In an attempt to clear a choked borehole, the mine mate lost his balance due to the sudden release of a borehole choke and got trapped in the borehole, which led to drowning

Actions taken

Adequately designed barrier protection and signages are now ensured at all the boreholes

Aluminium Business

Type of operations

Smelter BALCO

No. of fatalities


Vedanta employee/ Business partner

Business partner

Risk category


Detail of the incident

The individual who was inspecting the table guide roller, came in the line of fire of a running anode line and was trapped between the anode and stabiliser table.

Actions taken

Strengthening machine guarding and access control with implementing upgraded interlock

Type of operations

Smelter VAL-L

No. of fatalities


Vedanta employee/ Business partner

Business partner

Risk category

Vehicle & driving

Detail of the incident

A truck loaded with bauxite toppled while taking a turn due to unguarded excavation at the side of the road, resulting in fatal injuries to two business partner employees

Actions taken

Segregated pedestrian path is provided for personnel movement; time bound action plan for road infrastructure improvement

Type of operations

Power Plant VAL-J

No. of fatalities


Vedanta employee/ Business partner

Business partner

Risk category

Burn injury

Detail of the incident

Failure of ‘T’ joint, causing a sudden leakage of hot water and steam from high pressure line, resulting in fatal burn injuries to an engineer

Actions taken

Reviewed the high-pressure piping support infrastructure and provided crossovers for safe passage; material of construction of the ‘T’ joint, which failed due to erosion is being tested for quality assurance

Iron & Steel Business

Type of operations

ESL Steel Ltd.

No. of fatalities


Vedanta employee/ Business partner

Business partner

Risk category

Lifts safety

Detail of the incident

3 technicians standing on the roof of the lift while carrying out dismantling activity succumbed to injuries due to free fall of the cage from a height

Actions taken

Group-level Lifts Safety Standard has been developed on safe usage, operation and maintenance of lift and implemented at all locations

Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) (per million man-hours) FY2022 FY2021 FY2020 FY2019 FY2018
Permanent employee 0.53 0.59 0.45 0.50 0.27
Contractor employee 0.58 0.54 0.71 0.45 0.37
Overall 0.58 0.56 0.67 0.46 0.35
Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate (TRIFR) (per million man-hours) FY2022 FY2021 FY2020 FY2019
Permanent employee 0.98 1.08 0.99 1.22
Contractor employee 1.50 1.57 1.76 1.18
Overall 1.40 1.48 1.62 1.23
Fatalities FY2022 FY2021 FY2020 FY2019 FY2018
Permanent employee 0 0 1 2 2
Contractor employee 12 8 6 7 5
Overall 12 8 7 9 7


Building industrial hygiene competency

Industrial Hygiene is the “science and art devoted to the anticipation, recognition, evaluation, and control of those environmental factors or stresses arising in or from the workplace, which may cause sickness, impaired health and wellbeing, or significant discomfort among workers or the citizens of the community.”

For addressing this issue, our sites embarked upon an industrial Hygiene improvement journey – a vision of zero employee exposure to red zone activities.

In FY2021, we started this initiative with HZL, now having extended it across the Group.

We realised that a qualified team of industrial hygiene professionals are essential for us to commit to our vision of zero employee exposure to red zone activity.

To begin with, in FY2022, we undertook initiatives to build internal expertise on the subject through training of health professionals. We used BOHS (British Occupational Hygiene Society) Modules such as:







Basic Principles in Occupational Hygiene

Measurement of Hazardous Substance

Thermal Environment


Control of Hazardous Substances

Health Effects of Hazardous Substances

Through this initiative, we have successfully trained and certified 28 employees on industrial hygiene. These 28 individuals are from various departments and are driving industrial hygiene at their respective sites. We aim to build the competency and expertise of more such professionals and ensure the proper implementation of internal standards on industrial hygiene.

Key benefits

As a plan, employees certified in these six modules will be prepared to attain ICERTOH certification and enhance their skills and knowledge in Industrial Hygiene.

All the sites are in the process of developing an Industrial Hygiene programme to identify exposure to red zone activities and mitigate the risks.


Cross Business Audit Programme

This programme has been launched across the organisation for improving the horizontal deployment of learnings while promoting an exchange of best practices. The British Safety Council has trained around 25 auditors from Vedanta sites, and the audit methodology and detailed check sheets have been prepared taking into consideration critical risks identified at the BU level.

A team of cross-functional subject matter experts has started auditing all units. They have been verifying ground- level implementation of all our safety standards, promoting cross-unit learnings and sharing best practices of specific units across the Group. Eight sites including CAIRN-MPT, CARIN-RGT, TSPL, VAL-J, BALCO, VAL-L, VGCB and IOK have already been audited in FY2022. The audit reports have been shared with the respective teams, and their time-bound action plans have been received. These plans will be reviewed every month to gauge the status of their implementation. We are expecting to process the auditing of most of our sites in FY2023.

Safety Community of Practice

We also have a Safety Community of Practice forum, which emphasises on focused implementation of key safety projects/initiatives. It also facilitates sharing and learning from internal and external best practices and discussing and providing practical solutions to ground- level challenges.


SMRITI initiative has been taken up by CEOs to revisit the learnings of incidents on the day of the Fatality Anniversary and ensuring on-ground implementation of these learnings.

Safety culture development through DuPont

We have collaborated with DuPont for the transformation of the safety culture at our BUs. DuPont has recently engaged with Aluminium & Power businesses, ESL and Cairn for improving their onsite line function responsibility, people engagement, contractor safety management through various capacity building programmes and behaviour- based safety improvements.

Safety investigation by the incident cause analysis (ICAM) method

We have deployed ICAM to improve the quality of investigations across the organisation. ICAM-led training and technology is an advanced investigation process that focuses on finding the underlying factors behind a particular accident. This holistic approach helps identify weaknesses in the system and their resolutions, thus preventing accidents in the near future. We have developed multiple ICAM leaders across our sites this year through extensive training.

Digital in safety

We have started several digital initiatives to improve control of the Safety and Management system. We have also launched digital safety e-learning modules across our BUs to promote better understanding of safety standards among our employees.

Camera-based surveillance through Detect technology helps us track safety violations on the ground. We are steadily deploying smart cameras across the Group after conducting a successful pilot study at HZL-Chanderiya. These comprehensive surveillance systems help us monitor and report unsafe acts and conditions round-the-clock.

We have also on-boarded Enablon for a seamless implementation of our safety standards. Enablon is a leading integrated software solutions company, which will help us in managing our safety performance, minimising risks and improving our data-based decisions, thus ensuring transparent reporting.

Data based decision-making

Based on the data of the past 10 years, we have also formulated a measurable and discreet matrix of fatality recommendations related to infrastructure development and engineering controls. Sites will have to comply with this through a time-bound action plan. Third-party verification will be carried out once 100% compliance is reached.


Predicting lightning

In 2021, in a freak incident at VAL-Jharsuguda, a business partner lost his life when he was struck by lightning that preceded unseasonal showers. His life could have been saved had there been some warning about the impending lightning storm.

The site management, not wanting to witness a repeat incident, began the search for a technical solution that would allow the team to predict future instances of lightning and ensure that all workers were in areas with shelter.

The search resulted in the site team installing India’s first Lightning Management & Alert System (LMAS) installed on an ash-dyke. The system is an active bipolar lightning detection system that can predict stormy or lightning conditions as far a 40km away before they happen. If such conditions are detected hooters and alert lights are triggered warning those in the vicinity to take shelter. The lightning or storm conditions can be observed through a transceiver port and the system software also allows the team to visualise the storm activity.

Once an alarm is triggered, the system also pre-empts and pushes all sensitive and high-value electrical assets onto auxiliary power units till unsafe conditions exist.

This is a tailor-made solution designed for Vedanta- Jharsuguda and we are confident that it will save future lives.

Engineering controls to enhance safety

We are continuously working on ways to engineer a safe workplace. Through detailed analytics, we focus on improving areas that have the greatest risk.

Gaps in machine guarding have resulted in 1 fatality and 11 HiPos over the last three years. Across the organisation there has been concerted action to ensure that there are no exposed moving parts in machinery and conveyer systems. Despite this focus, gaps have remained, where installed machine-guards have been by-passed without adequate lock-out measures, resulting in injuries or deaths.

In order to make these controls fail-safe, the Jharsuguda unit has installed connector and guard sensing cables in a zig-zag pattern in its conveyers. Any time a machine guard is removed, the cables trip, resulting in a stoppage of the conveyor and sending a signal to the control room that the operating conditions have changed and need to be investigated. We anticipate that this measure will significantly reduce the risk to our workforce from moving machine parts.

Vehicle and driving

related incidents have resulted in six fatalities and 389 HiPos over the last three years. At Black Mountain Mine, an alarm-based collision avoidance system has been installed in mining vehicles to prevent accidents with moving personnel, equipment or vehicles. Known as the BOOYCO function system, it is deployed for vehicles used in our underground mining operations.

Depending on the situation, the system sounds an alarm to pedestrians and the vehicle operators, so that potential collisions are avoided. This collision based system will result in lowering the risks from our this critical risk category.

COVID preparedness

During the two successive surges of COVID-19 during FY2022, we reached out to communities across nine states. We arranged for around 1,680 beds in district/state hospitals and established makeshift hospitals. We also supplied medical equipment – 37 ventilators, 200+ flow metres, 502 oxygen concentrators, 177 oxygen regulators, 22 nebulisers and arranged for 30 ICU beds – across various locations covering around 343 villages. A total of 26,806 filled oxygen cylinders and 2,331.34 MT of liquid oxygen was supplied to medical institutions. We also provided 1 lakh+ empty oxygen cylinders.

We activated SHG network to cater the needs for masks and other supplies. Women of SHGs were involved in making masks in most of the locations across Vedanta, which enabled us to distribute 1,90,492 masks (3 ply/2 ply) in the community, thus addressing needs at both ends of the spectrum. Vedanta companies together bought in 11,250 N-95 masks and 15,000+ PPE kits for their communities. Group companies together provided 5,187 ration kits and 2,72,830+ sanitisers.

Given the highly infectious nature of COVID-19, creating awareness is an important part of preparedness. We organised awareness sessions on preventive measures across 312 villages in various locations. Awareness was also heightened through innovative modes such as wall paintings, campaigns through digital, audio and social media.

Key activities of the Group companies include the following:

  • To address the growing panic among communities regarding the lockdown and limited access to medical support, we provided for telemedicine in a few locations
  • Makeshift hospital at Lanjigarh is accommodated with paediatric ward
  • BALCO unit extended its support beyond the state’s boundaries and provided an ambulance to the Lunglei district in Mizoram
  • In a unique initiative, a survey of anganwadi workers (covering 24,500 samples) was conducted as a part of the Khushi programme at Rajasthan by HZL unit, in order to understand the COVID-19 impact and vaccination status
  • As a part of the ‘Siksha sambal’ education programme at HZL, more than 3,900 online classes and 2,500 home visits were conducted by professional teachers and this aided in staying connected with the parents of school children
  • As a part of COVID relief practices, care packages were provided to Care centres and old-age homes for assistance during the perilous situation
  • Oxera Oxygen respiratory devices were provided to COVID-affected people as part of COVID relief activities in VZI







COVID-19 relief spend

In FY2022 we have spent `137.74 crore in COVID-19 relief initiatives.

2,01,863 doses of vaccines were given to employees, contract workers, their families and communities